Saturday, 10 March 2007

Hello world

I thought I would give this blogging jobbie a go. It seems only right that I should share the accumulated wisdom of 60-odd years with the rest of the world. So here goes!

I do not intend to bore you with all my family details, but may make the odd mention of them when relevant. As some of you may guess from the title of this post, I have spent a considerable part of my life in the software industry: technical software that is, not getting your bank statements wrong!

I am a couple of years from retirement so I will take you through that, and my son is about to marry an American girl and move to the States, so that, too, may get mentioned.

I guess on the scale of things I rate somewhere between grumpy old git and professional genius. I am not really a political animal and as you can see from my profile, I do not like any politicians but I reserve especial contempt for those Onanists, Bliar and Broon!

Just been watching the Six Nations Rugby, Italy just beating Wales and Ireland just beating Scotland, the games themselves were not so exciting as the scores suggest. I am hoping against hope that England do not make another balls-up tomorrow against France. I am now watching Superleague, Hull Kingston Rovers against Leeds. Both codes of Rugby Football are infinitely preferable to Girlieball (I think some know it as Soccer!) that used to be a good game but now seems to be a game for delinquent children.

That is it for now. I do not want to get into the habit of posting a novella every time I touch the keyboard. TTFN

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